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Ecological education

Ecological education and enlightenment

Ecological and educational activity is an important area of ​​work for any Specially Protected Natural Territory.

The work of the environmental education department of the FSBI NP "Taganay" is aimed at all age groups, both local residents and guests of our wonderful city. The main goal of the department is to promote respect for nature through the formation of positive ecological thinking and the development of environmental culture among the general population. The special place of ecological-educational activity of the department is occupied with work with children. The forms of work are diverse: lectures, consultations, competitions, quizzes, conferences, environmental games, eco-lessons, hikes, camps, holidays and promotions.

Much attention is paid to the Volunteer Movement in the park, we have an annual volunteer camp in the summer in June, as well as a number of volunteer activities to clean up the park area from garbage left after tourists.

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