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Route "To the Eternal Wind" (Weather Station)

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60.0 км
3-4 dey

A hiking route with a length of 65 km and a duration of 3 to 4 days. The purpose of the trek is to visit the relict zones of the highland tundra of Far Taganay and Itsyl and the historical site of the former meteorological station "Taganay-Gora", the maximum altitude on the route is 1108 meters above sea level.

Метеостанция Таганай

Weather Station Taganay

The weather station is the house of the duty officer.

Visiting of Far Taganay will be the highlight of your journey through the pristine nature of Taganay National Park. The route starts from the Central Manor of the Park and passes along the Lower path - one of the main hiking trails of the Park. Further it runs along the Great Stone River and crosses it twice. At 9 km from the beginning of the path there is a tourist station "Pisaniy Kamen" with a source of drinking water on the trail, where you can relax before continuing the journey. At the shelter "Taganay", built before the creation of the Park, you can make a long halt. Almost all along the route the trail passes bu the Old Kialim road with the remains of old causeways through wetlands and a natural rocky surface. After walking another 8 km from the wooden huts of the Taganay shelter, the trail leads the traveler to the Kialim Cordon, a former coal-burning village.

Stopping on the cordon on the bank of the Great Kialim River, you can climb the mountain Itzil, whose name from the Bashkir language means "eternal wind". The path, that is going to the east, immediately gets steep, in the upper part looping around the rock river, and then completely lost. And next day there is an opportunity to see with your own eyes the unique and enchanting beauty of the mountain tundra. Ascent to the top of the mountain Dalniy Taganay is simple, but protracted - 5 km. Here, as we rise, the pine and birch trees get lower and lower, alternating with the juniper and gradually disappearing altogether. And yet, due to the lack of forest cover, on Far Tagagnay you can watch the amazing sunsets and sunrises. At the very top is the building of the former meteorological station "Taganay-gora", which still gives shelter to tired travelers.

At the top of the Far Taganay

На вершине Дальнего Таганая

Far Taganay

Going down from the mountain, you can return to the cordon or continue your excursion to the stone remains of Three Brothers - a granite chronicle 300 million years ago.

After spending the night at the Kialim cordon in the morning we return along the same path, and if time and effort remain, we can climb the highest peak of the Taganay mountain country of Kruglitsa or walk along the waves of the Great Stone River.

Passing along the route "To the Eternal Wind" you will walk on by the Great Stone River, cross the Bolshaya Tesma and Kialim rivers, climb the Issyk and Dalny Taganay, after admiring the mountainous relic tundra, visit the Taganay-Gor meteorological station, and the Eternal Wind will carry away from you all gloomy thoughts.


Itsil mountain (photo by K. Zenin)

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